At today's School Assembly Rata was awarded a certificate.
Ka pai, Rata, we are proud of you.
This morning we celebrated the following awards: Poppy - gymnastics placings; Rata - dancer of the day; Jack - most improved player in Touch Rugby; Jonathan - participation in Soccer; Xavier - participation in touch Rugby.
Congratulations to you all.
Congratulations to you all.
This will be our last week in our Room 13 Portacom. The move will happen after school on Friday and on Saturday. We will start Week 8 in our new room, at the south end of the hall. It will be good to be back in this building after two and a half years.
On Wednesday we will be having our Knowledge-a-thon 'test'. The children all know the answers as we have practised them in class. Our Room 8 (Year 7/8) buddies will write our answers (we need to tell them what to write) so don't worry about the spelling. Please return your white sponsorship form tomorrow. The number of correct answers will be recorded on each sheet, which will then be sent home for children to collect the money.
This week is Social Justice Week and the theme this year is: Justice at Work. As part of this week we will be sharing lunch with our Room 8 buddies on Thursday. They will provide the food for us, so we will only need morning tea that day. Please let me know if there is any food your child cannot eat.
Please put Sunday 22 September in your diary as the Junior School will be attending the 9am Mass.
Please put Sunday 22 September in your diary as the Junior School will be attending the 9am Mass.
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