Monday, 8 April 2013

Term 1 Week 10

At today's assembly Amelia K received a certificate.
Ka wani kei, Amelia, we are proud of you.

This morning Mathletics certificates were presented to Erin, George, Liam (first Silver) and Jack.

Mathlete of the Week Amelia K

We congratulated Jack for receiving a medal at the cricket prize giving and Ruaridh for being named 'Player of the Day' for his first rugby game of the season. Ka pai boys.

Important Notes for Week 10:
*Tuesday 9 April (tomorrow): Run, Jump, Throw Display starting at 11:15am. Children will need their running/sports shoes and (girls) shorts. If the weather is not kind we will notify you by tweet, email, and this blog. Postponement day: Thursday 11 April, 11:15am.
You are welcome to stay on for a picnic lunch after the display.

*Reading: On Friday the children chose their own groups and will work in these for the next two weeks. Each group is preparing a play so this will be the reading homework for the next two weeks. (Children are welcome to take another book home or to read a library book or a book from home as well). Please help your child to learn their parts, and also when they are to say their words. We will make props at school.
We will be presenting the plays on Wednesday 17 April. More details will be sent home soon.

*Reports and Student Led Conferences: Some children will be receiving a report on Friday 12 April. It would be great if you could make an appointment for a Student Led Conference. Click here. Our code is: U3WG2. If you have trouble doing this, you can use a classroom computer to make your booking.

*Young Vinnies are holding a Can Drive to gather food for the St Vincent de Paul's food bank. Please bring any spare cans to school before Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Congraulations Ruaridh Love Granny and PaPa Scotland
