Thursday, 28 November 2013

Production Recounts

Last night we all performed in the Junior Syndicate musical "'Twas the Night Before Christmas". Everyone overcame their nerves and a few behind the scenes glitches to give an amazing performance. I am very proud of the way the children stepped up.
The outstanding favourite skit was Charles and the Seal.
Here's some snippets from our recount of the production:

I was a present. In the dance we did eight gallops to the left and then eight gallops to the right and then we went in and out two times. Then we skipped across to the side of the stage, picked up the presents and put them under the Christmas tree. We went round the tree and lined up to bow and curtsey. By Amelia M

I'm in kapa haka. When the curtains were closed everybody was getting into their lines. I was in the front row. When the curtains opened it was really scary. Everybody was looking at us. The light was on us and I couldn't see anything. By Elspeth

It was really scary when we started. I was really nervous and I felt like I couldn't do it right. So I just thought to myself they're only mums, dads, brothers, sisters and grandparents and theyr're not scary. Suddenly the curtains rose, thousands of people started at me and the music started. Finally the nerves drifted away. By Thea 

Then it was the Junior production. My favourite part was when Lily said 'Where are the blankets?' By Makahni

I was a traveling child. I was nervous when it was my part because there were lots and lots of people at the Aurora Centre. By Liam

Last night was the school production. the kapa haka group were on stage first. The boys did their haka. By Rheubyn

Yesterday was Wednesday and at six fifteen my sister and I were in the green room for the production. The Year 3s had to audition for a part in the production. By Amelia K

When it was my turn I felt really nervous. I was a bit late going on but it was great. I want to do it again. I think that all the practise was worth it. By Rebecca

In the production there were lots of claps and laughter going on. By Daniel

I was so sleepy when it was my bit so I had to use my two very last loud voices for the night. By Erin

Please wash and iron your costumes before returning them to school as soon as possible. Thank you for your support with this.


Won Jeong turned 8 on Tuesday. We sang 'Happy Birthday' to her and wished her all the best as an 8 year old.

Friday, 22 November 2013

Term 4 Week 6

Makahni and Liam waiting to get into the pool

Week 6 is now over. It has been a full-on week with swimming in the mornings and production practice in the afternoons. Thank you for your support in getting your child to school in time to catch the bus to the pool and with all their swimming gear. I have enjoyed watching the children's progress at swimming.

Here's some more of our 'All About Arthur' poems:

In Thailand Thea met a terrible tiger teaching turtles how to tiptoe.
Her name was Teddy the terrible Tiptoe Tiger.
She tends to talk too much to Tiffney the Tutu Tiger on the telephone.

In Southern Spain Sienna met a seal.
Her name was Summer. She did six somersaults in the sea.

In America Asher met an ape.
His name was Arthur.
He had amazing eyes.

On Tuesday Harry and Conor were named 'Player of the Day' for their respective Touch Rugby teams. Ka pai, boys, keep playing hard.

Next Wednesday is Production Day. We will be having a dress rehearsal on Monday. If you have not already brought your costume to school, please bring it on Monday. On Wednesday we will be going to the Aurora Centre for our final practise. Tickets are on sale at the school office - $6 each.

Enjoy your weekend - no doubt the children will sleep well.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


Today Erin and Harriet turned 8. We sang 'Happy Birthday' to them and wished them all the best for the coming year.

We have finished our All About Arthur poems and collage letters and they are now on our wall. Come in to see them and to read our poems.

Monday, 18 November 2013

Term 4 Week 6

At today's school assembly Elspeth received a certificate.
Ka pai, Elspeth, we are proud of you.

Jack also received a certificate - his second Gold Mathletics certificate for 2013. This is an amazing achievement and represents Jack's dedication and commitment to working on Mathletics regularly. Congratulations, Jack, we are proud of you.

This morning's swimming went well - we all got on the bus and made it to the pool in time for our lessons. Thank you for your support with this. Check out these photos:

Daniel, Eve, Rebecca, Conor, Libby,
Harriet and Xavier
Ruaridh, Erin, Won Jeong and Amelia K

Thursday, 14 November 2013

A Story by Rheubyn

Rheubyn wrote this book for our classroom library:

Cows on the Hill with the Dog

The cows are hungry so they go to the hill and eat.
They get to the hill and eat. A few minutes later ...
A farmer lets his dog out! The dog goes to the hill where the cows are.
The dog tries to attack the cows. But one cow barges the dog! Arrrgh!
Then the dog fell and was never seen again. The cows lived happily ever after.

Thanks, Rheubyn, this is a great story with super illustrations. Ka pai.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Tennis Lessons and Poems

Today we had another tennis session. We loved playing crabs and having competitions to see who could bounce the ball, using the tennis racquet, for the longest. We also stood in a circle and passed two tennis balls around our racquets. We managed to do this in under a minute. Check out these photos:


Won Jeong

As part of our Eric Carle topic study we have been reading 'All About Arthur'. Arthur is a lonely ape who visits different places to find friends. We have written our own poems using the same formula. Here's some for you to enjoy ... (All our poems will be displayed in the classroom next week)

In Timaru I saw a toothless, ticklish, trained tiger who loved turkey on toast for tea. His name was Tim Tam Tiger. He was terrifying. Rooooar! Harriet

In Edinburgh Eslpeth saw an enormous elephant. Her name was Ella. Ella was eating an electric eel.

In Bangladesh Xavier met a buffalo. His name was Benny. He had a bear. Benny built a beautiful bunk for them. 

In Russia Rebecca ran into a rowdy rhino. Her name was Ruby. She had a rude rabbit. Ruby ate red radishes with raspberry rocky road.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Term 4 Week 5

At today's school assembly George received a certificate.
Ka pai, George, we are proud of you.

On Sunday Rata and Sienna competed in the Fun Triathalon at South Hagley. They each received a certificate. Ka pai girls.

This morning Simon from the Burnside Tennis Club taught us some fun games using a tennis racquet and a tennis ball. Check out these photos of us playing the games. We will have another tennis session tomorrow. Bring sports shoes to change into and girls might like to bring shorts to wear during tennis.

Playing 'Crabs'

Makahni and Xavier

Looking ahead to Week 6 - we will be swimming every morning. A yellow notice was sent home today. This has all the swimming details you need. Please ask if you have any questions. The bottom piece of the notice only needs to be returned if you are able to help with swimming. We do need Dads/Grandads/Uncles to help the boys get dressed after their swims as the (female) teachers cannot go into the male change rooms. Of course Mums/Grandmas/Aunties are welcome as well.

There is no spelling homework this week, but there are Basic Facts to learn for a test on Thursday.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Term 4 Week 4 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Erin.
Ka pai, Erin, it's great to have you in our room.

Yesterday the Kakapo Reading Group received certificates recognising the fantastic work they did in working together to design and create a bridge. Ka pai Lachlan, George, Daniel and Chris.
Asher has been inspired by Eric Carle's books. He has created his own Little Cloud book. Tino pai, Asher.

Today was animal theme mufti. Check out our zoo:

Makahni, Xavier, Rheubyn and George
Lachlan, Jack, Elspeth and Poppy
Rata, Amelia K and Erin
Harry, Rebecca, Thea and Conor 
Chris, Ruaridh, Daniel and Asher
Amelia M, Won Jeong, Sienna, Harriet, Eve and Libby

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Sport Report

Yesterday Room 5 children played in the Touch and Summer Hockey competition. Everyone had a great game and Ruaridh (Touch) and Amelia (Hockey) were named 'Player of the Match' for their teams. Congratulations to you.


Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Bridge Making

Over the last couple of weeks the Kakapo Reading Group, Chris, Daniel, George and Lachlan, have been making a bridge. They read the book 'The Impossible Bridge' then they discussed different types of bridges. They looked at the bridges that were in the book then they decided to build a suspension bridge. This morning they presented their work to the class and to the Deputy Principal.
Ka pai, boys, you worked really well together, make an amazing bridge and did a fantastic job of presenting your learning to us.

Lachlan, George and Chris constructing their bridge

George, Chris and Daniel presenting their learning

Monday, 4 November 2013

Term 4 Week 4

Today the Room 5 children did an amazing job of leading the school assembly. I am very proud of them all.

Jack received the Special Character Award.

Ka pai, Jack, you are a kind and caring person. You always try your best in all you do.
We are blest to have you in our room and at Christ the King School.

Rebecca received a certificate. Ka pai, Rebecca, we are proud of you.

This afternoon Harriet was named 'Star of the Week'.
Ka pai, Harriet, it's great to have you in Room 5.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

News for Term 4 Week 4

Last week was very busy as we tried to fit five days' work into four. Our production practices are taking a chunk of time, but it will all be worth it on the night (27 November). Tickets should be on sale soon.

On Monday we will be leading the school assembly. You are welcome to attend - at this stage assembly will be at 12md in the church.
On Friday we will be attending 9am mass. Children will need to be at school before 8:45am so that the roll can be completed and we can be seated in church before mass starts. Thank you for your support with this. As seems to happen on our mass days, Friday is also a themed mufti day. Children are to come dressed as an animal. A donation of either a gold coin (for Caritas) or toiletries (for the St Vincent de Paul food bank) is expected if you wear mufti. Children can come in their uniform if they do not have animal themed clothes.
Next Sunday is the Garden Tour. Tickets available from the school office. If you are able to help for an hour or two, please let me know asap.

A reminder that we would like old magazines to cut up and dress-ups for our dress-up box. Just bring them in to Room 5.