Friday, 30 August 2013

Term 3 Week 5 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Amelia K.
Ka pai, Amelia, it's great to have you in Room 13.

It was great to see so many at the disco tonight. I had a great time dancing with everyone.

Looking ahead to next week:
Tuesday 3 September we will be going to Ferrymead. Children need to bring a substantial morning tea and lunch as well as a full water bottle. Please pack morning tea separately. Please aim to be at school at 8:30am so we can complete the roll and check everyone is set for the day. This will be a great day.
Wednesday 4 September I am on a course, Boys and Literacy. Mr H will be teaching.

Have a super weekend.

Monday, 26 August 2013

Term 3 Week 5

Today Harry and Erin received certificates at the School Assembly.
Erin's certificate is a Gold Mathletics Certificate.
Ka pai, Harry and Erin, we are proud of you.

Over the weekend Harry(Rippa Rugby), Jack (Rippa Rugby) and Thea (Cheerleading) received 'Player of the Day' awards for their sports. Well done.

Tomorrow (Tuesday 27 August) the Junior School will be having a wheels day. At lunch time they can ride their scooter or skate board/ripstick or skates on the tennis court. They MUST wear a helmet. Please bring a gold coin or a can for the St Vincent de Paul food bank.

The Knowledge-a-thon info was sent home today. There are prizes to be won so start looking for sponsors and learn the answers to the questions. We will be working on these each day in class as well.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Term 3 Week 4 'Star of the Week' and Other News

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Conor.
Ka pai, Conor, it's great to have you in Room 13.

Today Makahni turned 7. We sang 'Happy Birthday' and wished him all the best for the coming year.

Jack and Harry have been reading a book called 'The Runniest Nose'. They then made it into a play, which they performed this morning.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Happy Birthday and New Junior Student Leader

Today Eve and Rebecca turned 8. We sang 'happy Birthday' and wished them all the best for the coming year.

This afternoon the two new Junior Student Council Leaders were announced. Eve is the representative from Room 13. Congratulations Eve, we know you will do a fantastic job.

Monday, 19 August 2013

Term 3 Week 4

At today's school assembly Jonathan received a Gold Mathletics Certificate and 
Won Jeong received a Great Progress certificate.
Ka pai, Jonathan and Won Jeong, we are proud of you.

Poppy and Ruaridh received certificates from their sport - Poppy for being part of the winning team in a gymnastics competition and Ruaridh for doing a skid in the mud at soccer. Ka pai.

In maths we are learning to find out how many groups of 10 are in a 2-digit number. We put the ice-block sticks into bundles of 10 and then we count how many bundles we have.

Elspeth, Lachlan and Harry
Erin and Rata

Friday, 16 August 2013

Term 3 Week 3 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Thea.
Ka pai, Thea, it's great to have you in Room 13.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Principal's Award

Today Sienna received a Principal's Award for her handwriting. Ka rawe, Sienna, you have beautiful handwriting.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

NZ Maths Week

This week is NZ Maths Week. Yesterday we invited our Room 8 buddies to come to Room 13 and play maths games with us. We all had a great time. Thanks Big Buddies! Check out these photos:

Oriana and Rebecca
Gabby and Libby

Eve and Shianne
Rheubyn and Daniel

Lucy and Poppy
Erin, Louise, Amelia M and Kathryn

Mason and Jonathan
Conor and Alexander

Monday, 12 August 2013

Term 3 Week 3

Congratulations to Libby who received a certificate at today's school assembly.
Ka pai, Libby, we are proud of you.

Yesterday Thea turned 7. We sang 'Happy Birthday' and wished Thea all the best for the coming year.

On Saturday Conor and Thea were named 'Player of the Day' for their respective rugby teams. Well done! As well as getting a trophy Conor gets to wear a special jacket.


This week is NZ Maths Week. Tomorrow we are going to spend time playing maths games with our Room 8 buddies. It would be great if you could enjoy playing maths games with your child. We know a lot of fun games already and today we learnt a new dice game. Games are a fun way to reinforce class learning. Thank you for your support with this.

Friday, 9 August 2013

Term 3 Week 2 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Poppy.
Ka pai, Poppy, it's great to have you in Room 13.

Today Liam turned 7. We sang 'Happy Birthday' and wished him all the best for the coming year.

In our Religious Education lessons we have been learning about creation. We compared the bible story of creation with the Maori story of Rangi and Papa. We have drawn our own pictures of creation. Check out our painting and some of our finished art works.

Rata, Jonathan, Erin and Xavier
Libby, Liam and Conor

Poppy, Won Jeong and Harry

Amelia K
Have a great weekend - all the best to our sporting stars.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Term 3 Week 2

At today's school assembly Daniel and Asher received certificates.
Ka pai, boys, it's great to have you in Room 13.

Friday, 2 August 2013

Term 3 Week 1 'Star of the Week'

The first 'Star of the Week' for Term 3 is Sienna.
Ka pai, Sienna, it's great to have you in Room 13.

It's been great to see everyone this week and to catch up on the holiday happenings. Here's some of our recounts:

The most worthwhile thing I did in the holidays was going to Gore. In Gore I stayed on the farm. I was jumping off the trailer onto the grass and dirt while the motorbike was still going. It hurt a bit but it was fun. 

The thing I would never do again is go on a treasure hunt with my Mum. We had to do ten levels. We started at Level Seven. I would never do it again because it took us two hours.

The funniest thing that happened to me in the holidays was when my family went to Wanaka. We went to Puzzle World. There was a room that tilted to the side. My Mum was going to take a picture of my sister, my friends and me on a bar. I was holding onto the bar and Mum said to let go. I let go and fell over. My sister and friends laughed at me. 
Amelia K

This week we have started talking about our topic, Early New Zealand. Today we visited the Room 1 display. We were able to touch lots of olden day things like bellows, irons, heavy pots and other cooking utensils. We have formed our Inquiry Groups and already have lots of ideas about what we want to learn. We are looking forward to finding out lots of interesting things about life in NZ last century.


This term we welcome Asher and his family to Room 13 and Christ the King School. Asher has moved to Christchurch from Kansas. Asher, it's great to have you in our room.