Friday, 28 June 2013

Term 2 Week 8 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Eve.
Ka pai, Eve, it's great to have you in Room 13.

At lunch time we had a farewell party for Mr H, who has been teaching us for the last six weeks. He has been a fantastic teacher and we will miss him. He gave us a book called 'Hester and Lester' so we can remember him each time we read it.

We only have two more weeks of Term 2 left. Over the next two weeks we will be preparing plays. Today we chose our own groups and on Monday we will get our plays to work on. 
In Religious Education we are learning about God being present in creation. Thank you for your support with the homework sheets
We continue our Light and Colour theme - this topic has enabled us to learn new things about light and colour, as well as write amazing poetry and create lovely art works. Come into our room and check out our walls.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Room 13 News

Today Sienna brought in the gold medal and certificate she won at a recent ballet competition. Congratulations Sienna.

Today we learnt about what transparent, translucent and opaque mean. Transparent means that light can shine straight through, translucent means that light can shine through, and opaque means that light cannot shine through.
We looked at different materials and predicted whether they were transparent, translucent or opaque. We then tested each one by holding it up to the light to check our prediction. Most of our predictions were correct but there were some items that tricked us.
We now have another question: Do some colours let more light through than other colours?

Chris, George, Makahni
Harry, Conor, Xavier, Amelia M and Eve

Monday, 24 June 2013

Term 2 Week 8

Today Rheubyn received a certificate at the School Assembly.
Ka pai, Rheubyn, we are proud of you.

This weekend Poppy went to Blenheim for a gymnastics competition. She received a certificate for placing 5th in her grade. Well done, Poppy.

The top three Mathletes for last week are Won Jeong, Xavier and Jack. Ka wani ke.

At writing time today we were able to write about anything we liked. Here's some of our efforts:

Leaves are cool, for my pool
Leaves are red, like my bed
I can see my hair, it is furry like a bear
I am so strong, my beard is so long
There is a cat in the hat
I can see something fat, it is a rat
     By Makahni

Spring is when the sun comes up
Spring is when our flowers bloom
Spring is not when trees go boom!
Spring is when it is nice and peaceful
I like spring because it makes me happy
Spring is when bees come near us!
Yay, I'm happy spring is here
     By Libby

Look over there
Look, look, look
That purple flower's in a book
     By Thea

Cool colourful flowers blooming out side
Purple poppies prancing around
Red roses sitting on the ground
How pretty they look after the flowers pop their heads out of the grass
I wish I had some in my little jars
But in the winter they curl up to their stump
I wish they would just come up.
Red and orange and yellow and green, blue and indigo and violet
I love flowers!!
     By Rebecca

On Saturday I thought I was going to hockey but it was too wet to go to hockey. So I got dressed and I got snuggled up on the couch and watched TV. I got a pink blanket and a cushion and lay down. I took a sleep. When I woke up I had a snack and played with my sisters.
     By Elspeth

In three week's I am going to my Grandma's and Granddad's. I will go with my two little brothers. Their names are Alex and Nick.
     By Daniel

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Junior School Mass

Thank you for your attendance at the Junior School Mass this morning. Room 13 were fantastic. A special thanks to our two greeters, Isobel and Rata and our two readers. Eve and Rebecca.

The school paths and decking are very slippery, especially if they are icy, so please be careful when you come to school tomorrow. Gumboots for outside and slippers for inside are a good idea.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Term 2 Week 7 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Amelia M.
Ka pai, Amelia, it's great to have you in Room 13.

This morning two reading groups presented plays:
The Kakapo Group presented 'The Best Chef'

Isobel, Ruaridh, Sienna, Lachlan, Poppy, Amelia M, Amelia K, Liam

And the Fantail Group presented 'Androcles and the Lion'

Rebecca, Libby, Eve, Erin, Chris

Reminder: Junior School Mass this Sunday 23 June at 9am. Meet in the Parish Centre at 8:45am.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Colour Poems

Today Room 13 wrote couplet poems. Check these out:

I love pink
So I'll give it a wink!
I want a pink raspberry bun.
Orange is fun!
     By Amelia K

Blue is cool
Blue is a pool
      By Harry

Red is the colour of the burning sun
I had a red bun
The colours of the rainbow are cool
Blue is the colour of the pool
     By Poppy

Colour is fun
I'll have a lovely raspberry bun
     By Elspeth

It's the time of year when half of Room 13 will be receiving their reports and having a Student Led Conference. Tomorrow a letter will be sent home with those who are involved in this. You need to book your conference time online. Click here and enter RCCP3 in the Event Code box. Follow the instructions to make your appointment. (Instructions are also in the letter).
This is a great time to celebrate your child's learning and successes so don't miss it.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Important Notice

School is CLOSED today - Monday 17 June - due to flooding.
If you are looking for something to do check out some of the sites on the right side of this blog.
Keep warm and dry and we'll see you tomorrow.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Term 2 Week 6 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Xavier.
Ka pai, Xavier, it's great to have you in Room 13.

This week we have been writing poems about colours. Come into our class to read them. Here's some of our acrostic poems titled Colour:

Cool colours
Orange oranges
Light! Look out!
Orange is cool
Ultra violet glowing for you
Really red rainbow
     By Daniel

Colours are beautiful
Orange is cool
Lots of colour
Our orange oranges
Ultra violet we can't see
Rain coming down
     By Won Jeong

Creative copy cat
Oranges are awesome
Lovely light
Oranges are fantastic
Ultra cool umbrella
Really red rainbow
     By Thea

Colourful cool colours colouring in
Orange on the sun
Light, lovely
Our orange oranges
Ultra violet
Really red rainbow
     By Rebecca

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Happy Birthday

Today George turned 7. We sang 'Happy Birthday' and wished George all the best as a 7 year old.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Birthday and Other News

Today Amelia M turned 7. We sang 'Happy Birthday' and wished Amelia all the best as a 7 year old.

This morning we presented certificates to Daniel, Jonathan, Sienna and Rata for taking part in the recent Reading Crusade. Congratulations to you all - keep up the good reading.

Mr H has been teaching us to write poetry about colours. Today we wrote a poem together. It is called Green. Then we each choose a colour and wrote our own poems. We are going to publish these in the next few days. In the meantime check out our class one:

By Room 13

Green is the colour of grass
Green is the guardian of grass
Green is the fourth colour of the rainbow
Green is the colour of spirit
Green tastes like crunchy cabbage
Green smells like freshly mown grass
Green sounds like a green grasshopper
Green feels like green leaves tumbling down on your hands
Green looks like the green sea
Green makes me excited
Green is awesome!

For some interesting activities and light experiments check out the 'Light' link under ICT and Other Sites on the right hand side of the blog.

Monday, 10 June 2013

Term 2 Week 6

At today's school assembly Poppy received a certificate.
Ka pai, Poppy, we are proud of you.

Four people received 'Player of the Day' for their Saturday sports teams. Congratulations to Rheubyn (rugby), Amelia M (hockey), Amelia K (hockey) and Jack (rugby). 

On Saturday I watched several Room 13 boys play soccer. We have some talented sports stars in Room 13. 
Here's a photo of Jonathan and me at half time.

Mathletics certificates were awarded to Libby, Jack and Jonathan. Well done.

This afternoon we had Buddy Reading with Room 8. Several of our big buddies were unable to read with us so their teacher, Mrs A, took their place. Libby, Isobel and Rata enjoyed sharing books with their new big buddy. Thanks Mrs A.

Friday, 7 June 2013

Term 2 Week 5 'Star of the Week' and Other News

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Daniel.
Ka pai, Daniel, it's great to have you in Room 13.

 This morning we talked about the Holy Spirit. We read a passage from Acts which told how the Holy Spirit came on the apostles like tongues of fire, at Pentecost. We then made 'stained glass windows' in the shape of tongues of fire to remind us of the Holy Spirit. Come into Room 13 to see our masterpieces.

We have continued to learn about Light and Colour. This afternoon we did some magic writing. We used lemon juice to write a line from our Colour acrostic poems, then we put the paper under an ultraviolet light which was inside a box. This made it possible for us to see what we had written. Some of us used a highlighter to write and then looked at it under the UV light. The UV light made the writing glow.

Libby and Amelia K writing their poems
in lemon juice
Poppy writing her poem
with a highlighter

Here's what the writing looked like under UV light: the top line is written with lemon juice and the second and third lines with a yellow highlighter.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Ballet Star

Amelia M received a medal from her ballet class for being focused during her lesson. Ka pai, Amelia.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Term 2 Week 5

Today Chris turned 7. We sang 'Happy Birthday' and wished Chris all the best for the coming year.

The top three Mathletes for last week are Chris, Jack and Jonathan. Jonathan was also at number 80 on the NZ Top Students list. Ka pai boys.

We also shared our sporting successes. Congratulations to these 'Players of the Day' Liam (soccer), Conor (rugby) and George (rugby).

Important note: Please return your Reading Eggs note tomorrow- Wednesday 5 June.