Friday, 31 May 2013

Term 2 Week 4 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Makahni.
Ka pai, Makahni, it's great to have you in Room 13.

Thanks for a great week with swimming - the children were amazing! A special thanks to those who were able to help with dressing the children, we really appreciate you.
Have a great weekend. See you on Tuesday.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Happy Birthday

Today Poppy turned 7. We sang 'Happy Birthday' and wished her all the best as a 7 year old.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

'Player of the Day'

After last Saturday's sports games Isobel (hockey) and Rheubyn (rugby) were awarded 'Player of the Day' for their respective teams. Well done!

If the weather is not good tomorrow and school is closed an email will be sent to everyone and I will put a post on this blog. If you don't hear anything then school is on and we will be swimming. It certainly helps having everyone (Year 3s AND Year 2s) coming to school with their togs on under their uniform. As we do not need to change at school the children do not need to bring their jandals. They wear their school shoes to the pool and there is plenty of time to put them back on before we get on the bus. A big THANK YOU to the parents who have been able to help with the dressing after swimming, we do so appreciate it.

Monday, 27 May 2013

Term 2 Week 4

At today's school assembly Sienna received a certificate.
Ka pai, Sienna, we are proud of you.

Yesterday Elspeth turned 7. Today we sang 'Happy Birthday' to her and wished her all the best for the coming year.
Jack, Isobel and Chris received Mathletics certificates for their efforts last week. Jack was also named Mathlete of the Week. Ka pai.

This afternoon the Pukeko Reading Group presented the play 'Too Many Mangoes' to Room 13 and Room 8. They were amazing - look out Hollywood!

Amelia M, George, Erin, Thea, Sienna and Rata

Today's swimming sessions were fantastic - it certainly helped having all the children come to school in their togs. 
Please note that there will be no spelling this week due to swimming.

Friday, 24 May 2013

Term 2 Week 3 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Liam.
Ka pai, Liam, it's great to have you in Room 13.

Today we all came dressed as our favourite book/TV/movie character. Check out our photos:

Amelia K, Libby, Isobel, Elspeth
Chris, Lachlan, Makahni, Jonathan

Sienna, Rata, Won Jeong, Amelia M
Erin, Poppy, Eve, Thea

Ruaridh, George, Xavier, Liam
Daniel, Conor, Rheubyn, Jack, Harry

Today Mr H taught us about using the ScientificMethod when doing experiments. We did two experiments with color. First we had to write a question. We asked: Does mixing red, green and blue light give the same result as mixing red, green and blue paint? We then had to form an hypothesis (which is saying what we think might happen). We thought that mixing the light and the paint would make a dark color. We then did the experiments. we discovered that mixing red, green and blue light made white and mixing red, green and blue paint made a very dark purple/black colour. Then we wrote what we did and what happened. Check out what happened with the paint:

Next week:
Swimming everyday. Could everyone please wear their togs under their uniforms on Monday. The Year 3s need to check in with Mr H or me and hang their rucksack in Room 13 before taking their swim bag and morning tea to Room 3 (please no playing in the playground as they need to get on the bus at 9am). The Year 2s will catch their bus, with room 12, at 9:30am.

Due to the logistics of swimming our normal routines will not be happening. There will be no spelling and reading books may be from the browsing box. Please try to read each night and if there's time spend some time on Mathletics.

I am keen to see some winter sport, but I do need to know the times and places Room 13 sports stars are playing! Please email me the draw when you get it so that I can plan my Saturdays. Thanks.

Room 5 are collecting egg cartons and yoghurt containers. If you have any spare please take them to Room 5. Thanks.

Have a relaxing weekend.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Principal's Award

Today Conor received a Principal's Award for his poem about friends. Ka pai, Conor, you are an awesome poet.

I like friends
Friends are cool
Friends are the best
Friends are one of a kind
I like friends.

Friends are fun
Friends make me happy
My friends' names are Joe and Daniel
I like friends.

My friends are amazing
My friends are nice
Me and my friends hang around all day
I like friends.

Remember to come dressed as your favourite book/TV/movie character tomorrow - and bring a gold coin.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Rain Poems

This morning we wrote Rain poems. We had to use our senses to describe the rain. Here's a sample of our poems:

I like the rain
Rain smells like salt water
Rain feels like slippery water
Rain tastes like butter
Rain sounds like pitter patter
Rain looks like blue drops        By Thea

I like the rain
Rain smells like water
Rain feels like slinky water
Rain tastes like acid
Rain sounds like banging
Rain looks like snow                 By Makahni

I like the rain
Rain smells like salt
Rain feels like big drops
Rain tastes like snow
Rain sounds like thin drops
Rain looks like blue drops          By Libby

I like the rain
Rain smells like butter
Rain feels like wet rain
Rain tastes like salt water
Rain sounds like tit tit tit
Rain looks like tin drops             By Elspeth

I like the rain
Rain smells like ice
Rain feels like hot water
Rain tastes like salt
Rain sounds like sticks breaking
Rain looks like thin lines              By George

I like the rain
Rain smells like snow
Rain feels like little balls of water
Rain tastes like salt
Rain sounds like pitter patter
Rain looks like very bright blue     By Liam


This afternoon we made the most of the sun being out and used prisms to make rainbows. We discovered that you have to hold the prism in a certain way to make the rainbow. Check out these photos:

We have been working in groups to formulate some questions to guide our learning. We plan to have the questions we will focus on finalised by the end of the week.

Today Lachlan received his first Silver Mathletics certificate. Ka pai, Lachlan.

Mathletics NZ Top 100 Students

This morning Chris was 27 on the NZ Top 100 Students with 1220 points. (By the time he came to school he had moved down to 37th place). Congratulations, Chris, keep up the good work.
Double click on the image to enlarge it.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Term 2 Week 3

At today's School Assembly Chris was awarded a certificate.
Ka pai, Chris, we are proud of you.

Yesterday Harry turned 7. Today we sang 'Happy Birthday' and wished Harry all the best for the coming year.

This morning Mathletics certificates were presented to Jonathan, Eve and Jack as the top three Mathletes of the week. Eve's certificate is her first Silver certificate. Ka pai.

Mathlete of the Week Daniel 
We also celebrated those who received 'Player of the Day' awards. Well done to Xavier (rugby) and Rata (ballet).
Check out this photo of Xavier on Saturday: (thanks to Xavier's Dad - great photo!)
This morning Mr H started teaching in our classroom. It is going to be great having him with us and I know the children will benefit from having two teachers over the next six weeks. 

Next week we will be swimming - check out the yellow notice that came home today. We will be going in two groups - Year 3s at 9:30am and Year 2s at 10am. After swimming the Year 3s will stay in Room 3 until the rest of us return to school. Please let us know, by Thursday, if you can help with swimming.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Room 13 News

Last week Sienna was invited to meet The Crusaders and she was able to ask Cory Flynn what books he read as child. He said he liked Hairy Maclary stories. Here's a photo of Sienna with Cory Flynn and Zac Guilford.

Remember to wear gumboots and a rain coat and bring slippers for the classroom - the forecast for this week is not good.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Term 2 Week 2 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Rata.
Ka pai, Rata, it's great to have you in Room 13.

Over the first two weeks of this term we have been writing about our holidays. We then used the Acrostic Poem link on this blog to publish our poems. We learnt about 'poetic licence' which allows us to write sentences that are not structurally correct when we are writing poetry. Our HOLIDAY poems will be on our wall for you to read next week. (I am proud of what the children achieved.) In the meantime here's a couple of our poems:

Holidays are for relaxing
On TV I watched Madagasca 3
Like to eat sushi for tea
I watched Jurassic Park
Dino soap made at Air Force Museum
A card made with marble painting
Yummy corn muffins, sausages and spaghetti                          By Chris

House shifting for a bigger house
On bike for a ride
Lie down to relax
IPad I played games
Diary of a Wimpy Kid I read
Yummy biscuits                                                                          By Poppy

Hangi made with my Uncle
On April 27 it was my Uncle's birthday
Lamb is what lots of people ate
I saw my Uncle
Dancing ballerinas on TV
A lot of lollies from Granny
Yummy chips and dip for snacks                                            By Thea

This week we began learning about the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. The children will be bringing home their activity sheets after each lesson. Please discuss these sheets with them and help them to learn the nine Fruits of the Spirit.

Looking ahead to next week:
Our Light and Colour unit continues. We will be forming Inquiry Groups and deciding on our Big Questions. 
Monday: Grad School Teaching Intern starts; School Assembly; Library
Tuesday: Syndicate Assembly
Friday: Mufti Day - dress up as your favourite book or TV or movie character. Gold coin donation

Have a great weekend.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Term 2 Week 2

At today's school assembly Isobel received a certificate.
Ka pai, Isobel, we are proud of you.

Three boys were named 'Player of the Day' for their Saturday sport. Congratulations to: Jonathan - soccer; Lachlan - soccer; and Makahni - rugby league.

Mathletics certificates were presented to Jonathan and Erin as our top scorers for Week 1. The 'Mathlete of the Week' is chosen in the following way: all children who achieve a Mathletics certificate in the previous week have their names put into the tin. The class leader the pulls a name out and that person receives the Mathelete of the Week trophy. This is the first time someone has been chosen two weeks in a row. Ka pai, Erin.

Notes for Week 2:
On Wednesday Mr H will be teaching in Room 13 so that I can attend my daughter's graduation in Wellington.
Reading Eggs trial has been extended until 20 May. 
Winter: it would be a help if those who wish to play soccer or rugby at break times could bring along an old pair of track pants that they can pull on over their shorts. Please also bring a plastic bag to put the muddy pants in. If you wish to bring old/sports shoes/gumboots for outside play that would be appreciated. Children MUST wear their full uniform to and from school.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Term 2 Week 1 'Star of the Week'

The first 'Star of the Week' for Term 2 is Elspeth.
Ka pai, Elspeth, it's great to have you in Room 13.

Today Sienna turned 7. We sang Happy Birthday to her and wished her all the best as a 7 year old.

Ruaridh and Conor

The Room 13 children have worked very hard this week. As well as settling back into school and doing the routine curriculum activities they have completed a maths test and a spelling test. I am very impressed with how they are 'Stepping Up for Success'. This afternoon we had choosing time. We enjoyed being with each other, playing games, creating, taking photos and using the computers. Check out these photos:

Won Jeong and Elspeth
Won Jeong, Amelia M and Eve
Makahni and Xavier

We have up graded our school email system which, among other things, enables the newsletter to be emailed to every family. Please let me know if you wish to receive the newsletter via email or would prefer to continue to receive a hard copy each Thursday. 
Looking ahead to next week:
Gumboots and slippers and a raincoat are essential items on wet days. Children may wish to bring an older pair of track pants to wear while playing soccer/rugby at break times. These are not to be worn to school but can be put on at morning tea or lunch times and taken off before coming back into the classroom.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Room 13 News

This morning Isobel was presented with her first Silver Mathletics certificate. Congratulations, Isobel, keep up the good work.

During the holidays a number of Room 13 children played sport. Jonathan and Ruaridh both play soccer. They were named 'Player of the Day' for their respective teams. Ka pai boys.

It's great that so many Room 13 children play winter sport. I am keen to watch them, but need to know times and places. Please let me know game details and I'll put them in my diary. See you on the sideline.

Important: Remember the Room 13 parent get together Thursday 9 May 7:30pm at Misceos. See you there!

Monday, 6 May 2013

Term 2 Week 1

Welcome back to school. It was great to see most of you again today - hope those who are sick get better soon. The weather wasn't the best, but the children coped very well with the inside day. Room 13 Rocks!

As it was wet we did not have assembly. However we did present three Silver Mathletics certificates and had a Mathlete of the Week. Congratulations to: Erin, Rheubyn and Conor.

Mathlete of the Week Erin
Notes for Week 1:
Topic: We will be learning about Light and Colour. If you have any relevant items that you are happy to be on display at school, please bring them along.
Spelling Test: On Friday the children will be tested on all the words from the Essential Lists, starting at List 2. Please help your child to learn as many words as they can.
Wet Days: On wet days it would be good to wear gumboots and raincoats and to bring slippers for inside. Please also refrain from sending yoghurt, jelly etc for lunch on wet days.
Wednesday: I am on a course. Mr H is looking forward to seeing you all then.

Remember to leave a comment on the blog and if you have any questions or concerns please come and talk to me. I look forward to another busy and exciting term.