Saturday, 27 April 2013

News Update

I trust everyone is enjoying their holidays. I have just got back from a lovely relaxing few days at Hanmer Springs. I have read three books already and am onto my fourth one.

I was excited to check Mathletics and find that Rheubyn, Conor and Erin have all earned their first Silver certificate. Congratulations to you. Also congratulations to Chris and Jack who have earned their second Silver certificate. Keep up the good work.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Term 1 Week 11 'Star of the Week' and Other News

The end of Term 1 2013 has arrived! It has certainly been busy and we have kept working until the end. I wish you all a safe, happy and relaxing holiday. Keep checking the Blog and using the bookmarked sites over the break.

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Harry.
Ka pai, Harry, it's great to have you in Room 13.

We had lots to celebrate today:

Rata and Amelia K will be turing 7 on Sunday and Saturday respectively. We sang 'Happy Birthday' to them and wished them all the best for their birthdays and the year to follow.

Two people received their first Silver Mathletics certificates today. Congratulations to Thea and Amelia M.

Amelia K received a Principal's Award for her recount of the disco. (See last post for an excerpt.) Ka pai, Amelia.

This morning we made 'Hedgehogs' - fruit kebabs - as an end to our Healthy Eating topic. We enjoyed making them and the finished product looked great.

Amelia K, Lachlan, Poppy and Harry                            Chris and Jonathan

Five people received certificates for 100% attendance in Term 1. Congratulations to: Liam, Eve, Jack, Lachlan and Rheubyn

Susan, one of our Parent Council reps, sent an email to everyone about upcoming events. If you did not receive this, please let me know and I will forward it to you. Thanks Sharon and Debbie for all you do on the Parent Council.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Happy Birthday and Disco Snippets

Today Lachlan turned 7. We sang 'Happy Birthday' and wished Lachlan all the best as a 7 year old.

Amelia K received her first Silver Mathletics certificate today. Well done, Amelia.

Last Friday many Room 13 children attended the school disco. Here are some excerpts from their recounts of the disco:

When I got to the disco I started to buy lots of stuff. I was getting set up. I bought one sparkly necklace, one sparkly ring and one pair of glow glasses and a bracelet. Amelia K

I got a prize for dancing so well. Conor

Christ the King School had a disco. The disco was at the Teachers College. The disco was last Friday. Eve

When I got in with Eve and Libby my ears were already hurting because the music was really loud. Rebecca

I saw a lot of my friends there. It wasn't so much fun because my teacher wasn't there. Erin

I bought a pink glowing star and a red glowing stick and two chocolate bars. Amelia M

Last Friday I went to the school disco. I chose funky clothing. I chose a white top and sparkly tights. Isobel

I felt good about the disco because the guy who was playing the songs gave me a lolly for my great dancing. Xavier

First I went to buy lights. I bought a watch with a smiley face. On the side there were love hearts. Rheubyn

I bought a watch and a raspberry drink and a lolly. Harry

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

The Amazing Actors of Room 13

WOW! The Room 13 children were amazing today. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our concert this afternoon. The children really 'Stepped Up for Success', show casing their acting skills and their prop making abilities. I am very proud of them and all they have achieved over the last two weeks.
Check out these photos:

The Twits: Poppy, Rebecca, Eve, Amelia K, Libby

Waiting for the Feast: Jack, Thea, Won Jeong, Erin, Isobel

Frog School: Conor, Lachlan, Sienna, Rata, Amelia M

Can We Play? Rheubyn, Makahni, Daniel, Liam, Jonathan, Chris

We've Flown Past Mars: Harry, George, Ruaridh, Elspeth, Xavier

This morning Rebecca and Daniel received their first Silver Mathletics certificates. Ka pai.
This afternoon I watched Libby and Amelia K at their dance lesson. They are great dancers and I enjoyed their barre exercises and their dance. 

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Room 13 News

Today Jack turned 7. We sang 'Happy Birthday' and wished Jack all the best as a 7 year old.

Won Jeong earned 2060 points on Mathletics this morning. This put her at 50th on the NZ Top 100 Students Board. Well done, Won Jeong. (Double click on the photo to see Won Jeong's name)

Remember our concert - tomorrow at 1:45pm in Room 13. We had a dress rehearsal today and if the children repeat their performances then you are in for a treat.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Term 1 Week 11

This is the last week for Term 1 - where has the time gone?!

Today Amelia M received a certificate at the School Assembly.
Ka pai, Amelia, we are proud of you.

The top three Mathletes for Week 10 are: Jack, Sienna and Won Jeong.

Mathlete of the Week Makahni

Winter sport started on Saturday. 15 Room 13 people play winter sport. Check out Xavier, George and Thea in their Marist Rugby uniform: (thanks to Xavier's Dad for the photo)

Thank you to those who attended the Student Led Conferences this afternoon. It is great to be able to share your child's learning and progress with you. You can be proud of your children and the effort they are putting into their learning.

Note: There will be no boys Kapa Haka at 8am tomorrow as Matua is going on school camp.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Term 1 Week 10 'Star of the Week' and Other News

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Ruaridh.
Ka pai, Ruaridh, it's great to have you in Room 13.

Jonathan received a 'Player of the day' award at his soccer game. Congratulations, Jonathan.

Today we wrote about yesterday's Run, Jump, Throw Display. Two people received a Principal's Award for their recounts. Congratulations to George and Jonathan.

Yesterday at school it was Run, Jump, Throw. The first one I did was the hurdles. When I got to the end of the hurdles I had to do something funky. The second one was the discus. I had to throw the shot put. The third one was the high jump. I had to do the scissor kick. At one of the other ones one person at the front had a cone with a ball on top of it. I had to run with the ball on the cone and make sure the ball didn't fall off. At the end I got to have lunch with my Mum. I was exhausted at the end. By George

Yesterday at school we had a Run, Jump, Throw Display. First we went to the long jump. Then we went to the hurdles. The we went to the shuttles. Then we went to the discus. My Mum and Dad came to watch me. Then we had a big race. Then it was lunch time. I was so hungry. Then it was home time. At home I was so tired because of that big race. By Jonathan

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Term 1 Week 10 News

Congratulations to the amazing Room 13 children! They were awesome today at the Run, Jump, Throw Display. The Year 3 dash races were nail biting too. Everyone received a certificate for their perseverance and team spirit. 

Congratulations Sienna for receiving your first Silver Mathletics certificate.

Notes for Friday: Sausage Sizzle for lunch
5 - 6pm Disco at Jack Mann Auditorium at Teachers College.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Term 1 Week 10 Work and News

Check out our bananas:

We made these bananas then we had to write instructions so that another person could make a banana too. We learnt that instructions have: a title, a list of what you need and a step by step list of what to do. Read these instructions and you will find out how we made our bananas.

Making a Banana
By Makahni

You will need:
Banana picture

1. Put your name on the back
2. Colour the banana
3. Cut the banana
4. Curl the banana skin

Making a Banana
By Poppy

You will need:
Banana picture

1. Write your name on the back
2. Colour the banana picture, 3 Star colouring
3. Cut the banana picture
4. Get a pencil and roll the banana skin around the pencil

Making a Banana
By Rebecca

You will need:
Banana picture

1. Put your name on the back of the banana
2. Colour in the banana
3. Cut your banana out
4. Curl your banana skins forward with the pencil

Making a Banana
By Xavier

You will need:
Banana picture

1. Put your name on the back
2. Colour the banana
3. Cut the banana out
4. Curl the banana skin

*Tomorrow - Thursday 11 April at 11:15am the Junior Run, Jump, Throw Display will 'kick off'. Please come along and support your child/ren. Bring a picnic lunch to share afterwards.
Children will need their sports/running shoes and (girls) shorts.

*Apologies for the muck-up with the spelling - I printed the wrong list. I am hoping that everyone has been able to learn their words in three days instead of four. Thanks to the people who pointed this out to me.

*Today you will have received an invitation to our concert. We will be performing our plays next Wednesday (17 April) starting at 1:45pm, in our classroom. Room 13 has done an amazing job of learning their lines, working out their stage movements and creating their props. (I am very proud of them.) If you are able to come you are in for a treat.