Thursday, 19 December 2013

The Last Post - 2013

Room 5 on our last day of the 2013 school year

Another year has flown by! A big thank you to everyone for your support this year. These children have all worked really hard and have made great progress across the curriculum as well as socially. It has been wonderful to see the confidence in their ability grow as well. Thank you for allowing me to teach your children this year. A special thank you, too, for all the lovely gifts I received this week - I have been spoilt.

Have a relaxing and safe holiday - keep up the reading and Mathletics.

Today Sienna received a certificate in recognition of her beautiful handwriting. Ka pai, Sienna.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Year 3 Graduation

This morning we held a Graduation Ceremony for the 2013 Year 3 children. They have all been great role models, with a positive attitude towards their learning. 
Here are our Year 3s with their certificates:

Congratulations to: 
(Back) Rheubyn, Jonathan, Xavier, Daniel, Conor, Ruaridh and Erin
(Front) Eve, Libby, Rebecca, Won Jeong, Amelia K and Harriet

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Term 4 Week 9

On Friday we presented the last of our plays for 2013. I am very impressed with what the children have learnt through preparing for and presenting plays. The enthusiasm, creativity and energy that has gone into this part of the curriculum is amazing. The highlight has been the growth in their confidence in being in front of an audience.
Ka pai, Room 5! You are all awesome.

Rebecca, Won Jeong, Eve and Erin
Thea, Poppy, Daniel and Liam
Rheubyn, Xavier, Elspeth, Harry, Jack, Conor and Asher
Jonathan, George, Rata, Sienna, Amelia K, Amelia M, Libby and Ruaridh

We now look forward to the last week of the 2013 school year. It will be a busy week with assembly, Year 3 Graduation, prize giving, school mass and farewells. Please note the following dates and times:
Tuesday 17 December 9:15am for Year 3 parents only - Year 3 graduation in the school hall (please bring a small plate of food to share for morning tea)
Wednesday 18 December 6:30pm for all - final school mass in the church - children wear uniform and sit with their parents
Thursday 19 December 12:30pm School finishes - reports (for some), 2014 class placements and stationery lists are handed out

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Classroom News

On Tuesday four boys were named 'Player of the Day' for their respective Touch Rugby teams.
Ka pai to Harry, George, Lachlan and Jonathan.

Elspeth was presented with a certificate of Excellence for her dance performance. Ka pai, Elspeth.

This afternoon Makahni, Chris, Lachlan and Harriet presented their play 'Maui and The Sun'. They put on a superb performance.

Asher sharing his story with Poppy

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Sammy Seal Pays Us a Visit

This afternoon Sammy Seal, the star of the school production, came to see us. We were able to ask Sammy lots of questions and he made us laugh. Thanks, Charles, for bringing Sammy to visit us.

Monday, 9 December 2013

Term 4 Week 9

At today's school assembly Libby received a certificate.
Ka pai, Libby, we are proud of you.

Xavier was named 'Player of the day' for his cricket team. Well done, Xavier.

Remember to keep learning your spelling words for Friday's test. 
Please have a hunt around home for any school readers you may have (even if you have had them for over a year) and return them to school this week - no questions asked.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Term 4 Week 8 'Stars of the Week'

Today we had two 'Stars of the Week' - Xavier and Harriet.
Ka pai, Xavier and Harriet, it's great to have you in our room.

It has been nice to get back into some sort of routine this week. We have been working on plays and will present them next week. We are now in the season of Advent where we wait for the coming of Jesus as a baby on Christmas Day. We are creating a Jesse Tree, to remind us of the relationship of Jesus to Jesse and other biblical personages. Check out this link for details of what we are doing in class.
Next Friday we will be having a big spelling test - on Lists 3 - 7. If you cannot find your copy of these lists, please ask for one on Monday. Normal spelling lists will not be sent home.
Next week we start the count down to the end of the year - where has 2013 gone?! There are a few dates for your calendar: 
*Monday 16 December - final school assembly when we farewell staff who are leaving.
*Tuesday 17 December - Year 3 graduation - for Year 3 parents (more info will be sent home next week)
*Wednesday 18 December - final school mass 6:30pm in the church (children are to wear uniform and sit with their class)
*Thursday 19 December - school finishes at 12:30pm; reports (for those who received reports at the end of Term 2), 2014 class teacher and stationery lists will be sent home